Advises建议 |
Recommendsacourseofaction;offeraninformedopinionbaseOn specialized knowledge. 建议行动步骤;提供基于专业知识的广博的意见。 |
Analyzes分析 |
Separates Into elements and examines critically. 分成要素并且认真检查。 |
Applies运用 |
Puts to use for a propose. 为达到一定目的去利用。 |
Attends参加 |
Is present. 在场。 |
Calculates计算 |
Makes a mathematical computation. 数学计算。 |
Checks检查 |
Verifies;compares with a source. 检验;与原始数据进行比较。 |
Circulates传播 |
Sends a document from person to person. 发送一个檔从个人到另一个人。 |
Codes编码 |
Puts into symbols which represent words. 用符号代表词汇。 |
Collaborates协作 |
Works jointly with. 与其它人共同工作。 |
Collects收集 |
Gathers. 聚集。 |
Compares比较 |
ExaminesforthepurposeOfdiscoveringresemblanceOr differences.
以发现共同或不同之处为目的的检查。 |
Complies遵守 |
Puts together information. 依据通知行动。 |
Completes完成 |
Finishes;Carry out fully. 结束 ,或完全实现 |
Computes估计 |
Determines or calculates mathematically. 测算或用数学方法计算。 |
Confers协商 |
Compares views Or consults with someone. 同别人商议或交换观点。 |
Consolidates整合 | Brings together;combines. |