Analyzes分析 |
Separates into elements and examines critically. 分成要素并且认真检查。 |
Appoints任命 | Names officially.正式任命。 |
Arranges安排 |
Prepares for an event;puts in proper order. 准备一项活动,赋予正确的次序 |
Assembles整合 |
Collects or gathers together from various sources. 把不同来源的信息(或其它资源)收集或集合在一起。 |
Assigns指派 |
Specifies or designates tasks Or duties to be performed by others.
指定或任命其它人完成某项任务或职责。 |
Audits审核 |
Examines officially with intent to verify. 以查证、核实为目的的检查。 |
Authorizes委派 |
Gives permission for approves. 许可某事. |
Closes结束 |
Brings to a conclusion. 一个事件形成结论。 |
Collaborates协作 | Works jointly with. |